Thursday, October 09, 2008

salt water angling

Most salt water angling is done with a method of long-distance casting called shooting. A special short weight-forward section of line is spliced to several hundred yards of thin running line. It feels weird casting this set-up at first, but it grows on you quickly. The long-distance casts are necessary for wary fish such as permit, tarpon and bonefish. Oftentimes, you will be in very clear, very shallow water and the fish are ultra-spooky.
Once you have your equipment, you can decide where to fish. Practice your casting, especially the Double-Haul cast. You’ll be using it a lot to ’shoot’ line out. Casting lessons are very reasonable and a good investment. You can go to Fed FlyFishers to find a certified instructor near you.
Bayous and inlets are easy to fish. Just fish them as you would a bass lake, with a few cautions. This is where you catch sea bass, striped bass, speckled trout, redfish, mackerel, flounder, snapper, bluefish.

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